Featuring Young Living Essential Oils

October 2015 Special Offer from Auriel!

I had someone come in for a Raindrop Therapy Massage last week, and I got inspired!  Raindrop Therapy Massages are so nurturing and so amazing!   The aroma they leave in my office is so wonderful!  What if I offered Raindrop Therapy Massages at a discount for the month of October 2015?  How cool would that be!? 

What is the Special?   $10 off a Raindrop Therapy Massage.  Regular price $135, so you get the full 1.5 hour Raindrop Therapy Massage with nine essential oils and special Raindrop Therapy, along with a full hour massage and moist heat packs, for $125!  YLO LAVENDER WITH LAVENDER SPRIG

What is Raindrop Therapy Massage?

In brief, Raindrop Therapy Massage includes the following:

  • Begin with Valor Essential Oil blend on the feet, which is said to balance the energies in the body, on the right and left sides of the spine, and relax one and put one in a receptive, healing state.  Auriel usually takes you through a brief guided relaxation to assist you in deeply relaxing and letting go.
  • Apply eight different essential oils to the spine, dropping them from above the spine, smoothing them down the spine, and doing the Raindrop Therapy procedure on the back and spine.  This procedure releases the muscles on either side of the spine, releases pressure on any of the nerve roots exiting the spine, and gives a VitaFlex treatment to all the points along the spine.
  • Auriel finishes with an hour massage, which can be Deep Tissue or Swedish, and includes the famous moist heat packs on your back and neck at the end!

What a luxurious treatment!  The aromas are fabulous! It is a great thing to gift to yourself, (or someone else) especially as we are going into the season for colds and flu!  The Raindrop Therapy massage is said to enhance one’s natural immunity and  some have reported feeling energized for some time after receiving a Raindrop!

Call today to make your appointment!

For a more detailed article on Raindrop Therapy massage, go to this link.

I hope to see you soon, with my Raindrop- Therapy oils ready to go!


Call or Text 262-573-2078 for an appointment!KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERA


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